
Should I delegate my tasks? If so, which ones and how?

Should I delegate my tasks? If so, which ones and how?

<p><em>As we know, self-employed people must wear several hats. They need to search for new contracts, follow up with customers, manage their marketing and branding, send invoices, etc. However, after a few months or years, they may have less and less time to complete everything. So, what can they do? They may want to delegate some of their tasks.</em></p> <h3><strong>Why delegate?</strong></h3> <p>In our opinion, there are two main reasons why you should consider delegating some of your tasks. First, you are overwhelmed, and you no longer have time to do everything. Second, you are less comfortable with certain tasks and that&#39;s ok. It&#39;s impossible to be good at everything. Maybe you would rather have someone else manage your social media, your deliveries, follow-ups with your customers or your accounting. It may also be that some tasks are eating away at your time unnecessarily or that you may be afraid of making mistakes because it&#39;s not your domain. A mistake, especially in accounting, can be very expensive.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> <p>As we mentioned in our article <a href="">How to Increase Your Revenue in a Few Simple Steps,</a> you should bet on tasks that you like or excel at. That way, your time will be optimized, and you will not waste more hours doing things that you do not like or that you have difficulty with. This is also what <a href="">Val&eacute;rie LaSalle, virtual assistant</a>, explained to us during her interview: the goal of doing business with an assistant is to free ourselves from the tasks that give us hives in order to focus on what we do best in our business.</p> <p>You may also need <a href="">a partner for a short time</a>. Maybe you want to take a vacation or take a long trip to Europe. It&#39;s getting easier and easier to work remotely, but it&#39;s always nice to have someone available on site as needed for certain tasks. Think about it!</p> <h3></h3> <h3><strong>What can you delegate?</strong></h3> <p>It&#39;s all well and good to ask for help, but what exactly can you delegate? Here are some suggestions of tasks that can be delegated to others.</p> <ul> <li>Calendar management and appointment scheduling</li> <li>Management of emails and customer reminders</li> <li>Formatting, writing, transcription, translation, and revision of texts</li> <li>Data entry</li> <li>Accounting, bookkeeping, and invoicing</li> <li>Creation and management of newsletters, automation of campaigns</li> <li>Website creation and management</li> <li>Content creation management for social media</li> <li>Graphic design and photo editing</li> <li>Video creation and editing</li> <li>Taking pictures</li> </ul> <h3><strong>How do I delegate a task to others?</strong></h3> <p>If you&#39;ve been managing all aspects of your business for a while, we understand that it can be difficult to delegate. Maybe you&#39;re wondering if the other person will be up to the task or can make a real difference. Maybe you&#39;re just afraid of the rates &ndash; what it will cost you. Start by writing down on a piece of paper all the tasks you like to do on a daily basis. Then, write down the ones that interest you less or give you migraines. These are the tasks you need to delegate and if possible, go gradually. Also try to estimate how many hours you spend on this per week or month and set a budget. A little trick: you can simply take the number of hours and multiply it by your usual hourly rate. Remember that all this time saved will allow you to work on your other projects and <a href="">be more productive</a>.</p> <p>Now that you know what tasks you want to keep and delegate, look for the perfect person to give you a hand. This can be a company service, another freelancer, a virtual assistant, etc. Do not hesitate to ask for recommendations if necessary. There are many groups of self-employed workers on social media, so for sure someone will be able to recommend the right person for you. Afterwards, ask for quotes, but above all have a conversation with your potential partner(s). Often, it&#39;s much more important to have someone you click with than the lowest bidder.</p> <h3><strong>Reminder: Don&#39;t forget the service contract</strong></h3> <p>Once you&#39;ve found the perfect person, take a moment to <a href="">draft a service contract</a>. This is essential for any professional relationship. You will be able to discuss basic topics such as salary and the nature of tasks, but also payment methods and deadlines or termination of the contract. In the event you have a dispute with your provider, chances are your service contract will answer some questions.</p> <p>Some people think that emails are enough, but we often don&#39;t take the time to address all the important points. If you do not feel comfortable drafting a service contract, you can always ask a lawyer for help. This is a good example of a task that can be delegated. This person can create a basic contract for you that you can be customized according to the provider. Another important advantage of service contracts is that you will look credible and professional. This will make all parties feel protected.</p> <p></p> <p>In conclusion, here is our advice: dare to delegate! Don&#39;t wait until you&#39;re in a bind or have grey hair before asking for a hand. As mentioned above, there are many people who can help you. It&#39;s even likely that you will quickly get the hang of delegating your tasks so you can focus on what you&#39;d rather be doing. Don&#39;t forget that there are many advantages <a href="">to hiring a freelancer</a>! Good luck!&nbsp;</p>
